It's a Big World

I never thought that examining web server logs (reports detailing traffic and details about visitors) would be a very interesting exercise, but it turns out to be quite fascinating. In fact, I look over my web (server) logs daily. Two things are fascinating: what search engine queries bring people to my site and how many people are from far, exotic places.

I never thought that examining web server logs (reports detailing traffic and details about visitors) would be a very interesting exercise, but it turns out to be quite fascinating. In fact, I look over my web (server) logs daily. Two things are fascinating: what search engine queries bring people to my site and how many people are from far, exotic places.

I have to admit that in the true stereotypical form, I am very United States-centric in my thinking. I know fully well that there's a big wide world out there, but really when I envision my audience my imagination doesn't go far beyond the continental U.S. When I look at the logs and see how many people are from New Zealand or Sweden or Japan or Singapore it just blows my mind. For those of you readers who are actually from these amazing exotic places, I'd just like to express my honor and appreciation at having you visit my site.

If anyone ever feels like sending me a postcard from far away, I promise to give you a mention you here in my blog. It would be massively cool to get a postcard from overseas. (When I was a little kid I collected stamps for a while. It was so fun trying to track down foreign stamps, seeing the postage in all the different cool currencies!) If you're willing, send a card to my Los Angeles address listed in my contact page .

Anyway, I just wanted to give some extra special recognition to this subpopulation of my visitors. Welcome and thanks!

Posted: Sun - November 9, 2003 at 01:33 PM      
