Reflections on the last 10 days.

The last 10 days have been amazing, and very full. I'm going to attempt to do some credit to retelling some of the highlights.

I find living in Los Angeles right now to be rather surreal. Maybe even close to apocalyptic. On one hand The People have put an actor/weightlifter into the Governor's seat because they are angry about the economy and don't want more taxes. On the other hand, an over-inflated, cost-ballooning health care system is forcing the Metro Transit Authority and the grocery workers to strike. Not to mention there are LA County Deputies staging sick-outs. It's a little scary.

Well, I got my taxes done, and owe Uncle Sam very little for last year. It's still more money than I have right now, but I feel confident in my own ability to build my business up over the next few months. Every indicator suggests I should be able to turn the tide if I can just focus my energies. Time to make positive thoughts manifest...

So much has happened over the past ten days, and yet as I try to think back to write about them the thoughts have an elusive, ethereal quality like a fading dream. The work on the Practice was truly inspiring. It was a treat and a privilege to work with such talented and friendly people. I think it's a testimony to good management, that creating a positive nurturing environment will inspire people to perform miracles. I'm really going to miss everyone on that set. (And was nothing but an extra! That's what's so amazing.)

Bob's visit was great. We went to the Hammer museum to see the Lee Bontecou exhibit . (Amazing) We went to the Getty Museum which is always a treat. (My fourth time. It's the place I always take visitors new to Los Angeles.)

We also went sailing on Saturday with Hans where we had the most amazing experience: a pod of maybe 60-80 dolphins came played with us! Hans first saw them on the horizon (Hans has bionic super-eyes.) where they just looked like white dots where they broke the surface. We tried to turn to get closer and realized we'd made a mistake threading the gib line (a rope) so we had to scramble for a couple minutes rethreading things.

When we were done with that we looked up and realized the pod had turned and was coming straight for us. We turned to match their course, and for a couple minutes they were passing the boat on both sides, sometimes diving under the boat. Sometimes they would fly into the air and spin. They were seriously close enough to touch. It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences I will never forget.

I could write for two more pages on the little details of Bob's visit, but it's time for me to focus on getting things done. I'm really feeling energized about life, and the exciting stuff really feels like it's within my grasp for the first time in a long long time.

Posted: Thu - October 16, 2003 at 09:22 AM      
