
My article about iBlog security issues has just been linked throughout some Mac web sites and the traffic is pouring in!

Yea! October is finally here! There are so many fun things I have planned for this month that I'm going to have to really get organized in terms of work. Among some cool things going on (a) my friend Bob is FINALLY going to come visit from New York, (b) Hans is taking us on a sailing trip to Catalina, (c) Gay Day at Disneyland is this weekend, (d) Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year.

Lot's of cool stuff.

Today has focused again on the whole iBlog thing. A friend of mine suggested I submit the security issue to a few web sites like MacInTouch and MacFixIt . At first I thought they weren't going to bite, but this morning I found my abstract and links to my article on quite a few web sites. My traffic today has exceeded the traffic for all of September. In effect, I think my traffic will have gone up about 20-30 fold.

Not bad.

Now I just have to figure out how (a) to get people to wander around to other parts of my website and (b) to get potential customers so I can get some work and maybe pay next month's mortgage!

And for something in the "it's about bloody time!" department: checking my web logs, today Safari has gone from barely ever showing up on the radar to surpassing Internet Exploder. Of course it's understandable considering the specifically targeted audience that's getting pulled in.

Posted: Wed - October 1, 2003 at 10:12 PM      
